Mantiqueira & Passa Quatro

Where is Green School Brazil? 

Green School Brazil is located in the municipal area of Passa Quatro in the State of Minas Gerais in the South East Region of Brazil.

Political location map of Passa Quatro.

Passa Quatro is three hours drive from Sao Paulo to the west
Passa Quatro is three hours from Rio de Janieiro in the east
Passa Quatro is three hours drive to Tiradentes (colonial “gold rush” region) in the north
Passa Quatro is three hours drive to the beautiful Green Coast (Costa Verde) and the historic town of Paraty

Passa Quatro is the first town in Minas Gerais across the state border with Sao Paulo.  Passa Quatro is a town of 16 000 inhabitants and lies in the heart of a unique geographic territory called the Mantiqueira Mountains.  Driving north towards Belo Horizonte are a number of colonial mining towns Tiradentes and the world heritage city of Ouro Preto.

Passa Quatro It is a superb and central safe location for visiting all of the South East Region of Brazil.

Passa Quatro and Surrounding Town

The three closest town to Passa Quatro are Itanhandu (15 minutes drive – 20 000 people) Itamonte (25 minutes drive – 15 000 people) and ‘down the mountain’ into the State of Sao Paulo, Cruzeiro (30 minutes drive – 82 000 people).

Within ten minutes to an hour’s drive, Passa Quatro boasts proximity to Itatiaia National Park (see yellow dot #1) three state parks (see yellow dot #4, #5 and #6 yellow dots on map) Serra do Papagaio, Rio Pombo and Cachoeira da Fumaca e Jacuba in addition to the National Forest of Passa Quatro, and 40 minutes from the National Forest of Lorena.  There are also three Private Nature Reserves, see orange dots #17, #18 and #19.

The Mantiqueira Mountains are an integral part of the Mata Atlantica a threatened ecosystem that is receiving a lot of attention by many environmental organisations as well as the national and state authorities.  Green School Brazil seeks active involvement in issues pertaining to the preservation of the Mata Atlantica including water conservation, deforestation and the preservation of endangered animal species from the area.  This region is also one of the unique habitats of the Araucaria tree.

Passa Quatro to the Coast

160 km from Passa Quatro via a new and most scenic mountain pass through the Mata Atlantica, is the coastline of the Costa Verde.  On the way, Cunha is a great stop with its Lavender Farm and famous ceramics.  The four towns of Ubatuba, Angra dos Reis and Mangaratiba rival each other for great beaches and beauty but the closest is Paraty and it is the historic jewel of the Costa Verde.  Ilha Grande is a world famous destination in itself.

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